
FAM At The Beach 2023

Saturday the 22th of july 2023, Food And Music At The Beach or ‘FAM At The Beach’ was held at the lake of recreation area Zeumeren.

A group of volunteers from WAYOH have organized this family-friendly, multi-cultural, beach barbecue for the local community and anyone who feels invited to come and share food and culture, while enjoying music from different cultures, at the beach of a lake, with various play options for children.

Eventhough we had bad weather predictions, we decided to not cancel the barbeque and to try out this concept for the first time. It turned out in a nice day with almost no rain and we even managed to take a grouppicture with a part of the group!

The result was as expected. Food and cultures has been shared and even attracted some people passing by, who showed interest, stayed for a nice conversation and got offered food from the visitors of FAM At The Beach. Eventhough this happend in a smaller setting as expected, the results were motivating!

Is FAM At The Beach returning in 2024? Stay tuned an keep an eye on the website and our Instagrampage (link at the bottom of the page) to find out!

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Cultural And Social Entrepreneurship

Erasmus+ trainingcourse Cultural And Social Entrepreneurship (C.A.S.E.), took place at Antalya, Turkey, from the 23th - 30th of May 2023. The TC gathered 32 participants, coming from Turkey, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Serbia, Greece, Germany and North Macadonia.


Creativity and culture are the background for building and redefining European identity and integration. Taking advantage of this through the promotion of cultural heritage and youth entrepreneurship, this project contributed to a better understanding of the common past of European citizens to preserve European cultural heritage. With C.A.S.E. we aimed to provide a comprehensive and youth-centered response at the European level to intertwined issues related to youth unemployment and European common heritage.


WAYOH send 4 participants, with Marten as a groupleader, to insure a professional guidance during the project.

This project was carried out by Bogachan Alkan and Arda Pişirici from the foundation ‘Lidosk’. WAYOH became a partner of this organisation in this project, after Marten had established a professional relationship with their facilitator Halil Yavuz in previous projects and in a later stage with Arda and Bogachan.

We are happy to announce that more partnerships with Lidosk are expected to be realised in the near future.

Check out our Instagram page (link at the bottom of this page) for more pictures and videos!

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Embrace Inclusion

Erasmus+ youth exchange “Embrace Inclusion” took place in Msida, Malta on 31st March– 8th of April, 2023. The mobility gathered 48 participants, coming from Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Turkiye, Netherlands & Bulgaria. The goal, the main aim was to tackle disablism & increase youngster’s ability to address the needs of the disadvantaged through the positive interactions of people with mixed-abilities.


World Active Youth Of Holland send 8 participants to Malta, including a youngster with a hearing impairment, with his mom as his guide. Marten Jansen was their groupleader that week, to insure a professional guidance during the project.

The main aim of the project is to tackle  disablism and increase younsters’ability to adress the needs of the disadvantaged through the positive interactions of people with mixed abilities.

The following objectives has been set:
- to reduce negative attitudes toward sensory impairments
- to dispel existing stigmas and myths about sensory impairments
- to foster positive social interactions among youth with mixed abilities
- to increase participants empathy
- to improve participants’ personal, social and learning skills, as well as civic competences
- to promote EU values as human rights and equality
- to promote Youth-pass as a tool


This project was carried out by Christian Briffa and Samanta Tumpitė from the non formal youthgroup ‘Creative Youth’. WAYOH became a partner of this organisation, after a positive experience as a participant by Marten in one of their previous projects ‘A Beautiful Mind’ in Kaunus, Lithuania in 2019.

We are happy to announce that more partnerships with Creative Youth are expected to be realized in the near future.

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Art Of Inclusion - Outdoor Sports and Activities

Erasmus+ Key Action 1 trainingcourse ‘Art Of Inclusion - Outdoor Sports And Activities’ took place from the 3rd - 10th of Februari 2023 at ‘The Giant Mountains’ at Trzcińsko, Poland.

Main activities of this project were:
- Exchange of experience
- Experiental learning
- winter activities
- partnership building activity

During this project, the participants shared their good practices and successful stories and projects. The participants took part in mixed-ability matches and got trained by a Polish Paralympic silver metal athlete.


She gave 2 presentations, was teaching us sitting volleyball and we learned from her how to play a type of handball for blind people. We also took advantage of beeing in the mountains in the winter, by hiking, joined by participants with a physical disability. 

Sasha, a barista in a wheelchair with his own coffeestores, gave a presentation about how he traveled Europe by bike, specially made for people in a wheelchair.

Later in the project, we were able to try out a modern electric version of Sasha’s bike, by the visit of a representive of https://www.sport-on.com who brought 2 different types of electric bikes, specially made to climb the mountains and bike on rough terrain and gave a presentation about the development and on how to use the bike.

We visited Nasza Fundacja, where we did several creative activities with their clients. We visited Karkonoski Sejmik Osob Niepelnosprawnych, a foundation mostly run by people with a dissability. We got a presentation about all the work they do and we went live on radio in their podcast, getting interviewed.


The participants had the possibility to work on new common projects, wich they eventually presented to eachother to potentially establish new projects and partnerships. Several connections and (potential) partnerships has been created by WAYOH because of this activity.

Together, we created this Manual For Youth Workers for Mixed-ability Outdoor Sports And Activities. If you are interested in receiving the manual, send us an email to contact@wayoh.eu!


The TC gathered 16 participants, from 11 different countries, sending 1 participant per sending organisation.

This project was carried out by Dredka, Kuba and Kasia from the foundation ‘Windmill Tree’ https://windmilltree.org/ at the venue Dom Sokolik https://www.domsokolik.com
Marten Jansen represented WAYOH as a partner in this 2nd ‘Art Of Inclusion’ project, after a positive experience as a participant in their first ‘Art Of Inclusion’ project in 2021.

We are happy to announce that more partnerships with Windmill Tree are expected to be realised in the near future. WAYOH is expected to be partner as well in Art Of Inclusion 3, expected to be organized in spring 2024.

Check out our Instagram page (link at the bottom of this page) for more pictures and videos about this project!

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