WAYOH foundation is a foundation in
The Netherlands, that offers
trainingcourses and youthexchanges, funded by the
EU through the
Erasmus+ program. WAYOH offers
free non formal and informal education to youngsters, who are active or want to be active in their society in the field of
youth, Inclusion, Active Citizenship and Sport. For more information about formal, non formal and informal education, watch the following video:
https://youtu.be/wz5P4Xx-qio?si=-I4HaX56l1NJ3PeZWAYOH's ambition is to teach youngsters how to be active in volunteering initiatives and to increase their knowledge on topics of their interests, develop their softskills and enhance their toolkit to make an impact on their local communitiy, by contributing to the development of diversity and equality in society and the development of ways youthworkers can offer a more healthy lifestyle to youngsters, by implementing educative sport, game and outdoor activities in their daily program for youth of all ages, genders, abilities, ethnicities, religions and social backgrounds.
Trainingcourses, youth exchanges and local activities WAYOH organizes, contributes to ensuring the social intergration of disadvantaged groups and minorities, by increasing active citizenship and by advocating for inclusion, using sport, games and outdoor activities as a tool.
Vision and Mission
Short-term objectives:
- We believe that everyone has the right to practice a sport.
- We believe that everyone has the right to access public sports and games facilities.
- We believe that the supply of public sports and games facilities should match the demand of the local community.
- We will send youth workers and young people on Erasmus+ training courses and youth exchanges related to the subjects of sport, active citizenship and/or inclusion, to gain more knowledge about how we can make sports and games more accessible to everyone. We will mainly focus on women's sports, mixed gender sports and G-sports.
- We will focus on, among other things, the accessibility for and safety of everyone at public sports and games facilities.
- We will work to tailor the supply of local public sports and games facilities to the demand of the community. We will participate in Erasmus+ training courses and youth exchanges to gain more knowledge on how to achieve this mission.
Long-term objectives:
- We believe that it is important for social cohesion to promote recreational sports, games and outdoor activities among youth workers and young people and to organize them with local youth workers and young people, for the local community, that are accessible to people of all ages, genders, disabilities, ethnic backgrounds and religions.
We will commit ourselves to organizing Erasmus+ projects and local activities in the Netherlands, focusing on Inclusion and Active Citizenship, using sports, games and outdoor activities as a tool.
-We are committed to create international networks, to support the development of Inclusion and active citizenship in daily life, using sports, games and outdoor activities as a tool, where we focus on diversity and equality of genders, ages, abilities, ethnicities, religions and social backgrounds.
- We are committed to write, organize, facilitate and train Erasmus+ trainingcourses and youthexchanges in The Netherlands, mainly focussed on sports, games, outdoor activities, inclusion and active citizenship. Therefor also including related topics, like Ecology, Sustainability, Cultural Herritage, Health, Social and Cultural Entrepreneurship and Digital Literacy.
Remuneration policy
WAYOH does not have a remuneration policy for its employees and board. Activities for the foundation, by volunteers and board members, are entirely voluntary.
Financial accountability
Not applicable.
For more information about the Erasmus+ program, please visit: